Friday, April 18, 2008

This One's For the Fanboys(and girls). So Say We All.

I haven't written in over a week.

I'm not apologizing or anything. I'm just stating the obvious. I've been busy. I didn't have anything to say. My story wasn't done yet. It'll happen. :)

On the story front, it's done. I'm going to have the first part posted soon. This weekend, if I have anything to say anything about it. So, that's that.

Today, though, we're going to talk about Battlestar Galactica. Rather, my friend Marc is going to talk about it. BSG's fourth and final season started two weeks ago. Marc has written a five-part essay about the themes of the show, and what that could mean going into this last season. A warning: if you don't watch the show regularly, read the essays at your own risk.

Here they are:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Also, set a side some time to read it. It's brilliant, but it's long. If you watch the show, and enjoy the show, you'll appreciate Marc's analysis. It brought to light some things that I've missed or forgotten over the last five years.

Look for part 1 of MY story (which is, as yet, untitled) this weekend.

I promise.

(05 01 2008 Update: I fixed the links to Marc's article. They were frakked up. It wasn't my fault. :))

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