Saturday, April 05, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen...

While I'm gearing up to unleash the first story, of many, upon all of you (all of you potentially existing readers, anyway), I thought I'd let someone else entertain you first.

If you like music you should make it a point to go here:

Butch Walker is a great artist, who, simply put, will rock your face off. That's all the description you really need. Would you rather have your face or hear some good music? I think you know the answer. You don't need your face to enjoy music. Just your ears. Soon, Butch Walker will have a legion of faceless fans.

I met him once. It was the first time (of which I was aware) that he came to Cleveland. It was in a side-room at our House of Blues. It was not a big room, so people used words like "intimate" to describe the setting. It was a different kind of concert in that the acts didn't play their entire sets one after the other. They all played a few songs, then let the next act come out, while they played back-up. Hotel Cafe Tour... that's what it was called. It was an awesome show.

Anyway, I was walking to the restroom during the show, and the hallway leading to it just happened to be past the left-hand side of the stage (if you were to face it). As I headed that way, there was a bit of a jam-up near the stage itself and, as I waited to get through, Butch was standing right there. I shook his hand. It was pretty cool.

Butch has and will be releasing all kinds of stuff this year. He released a live double album in February. The cool thing about this is that it's all online. You don't have to go to a music store. There's no record label raping the artist for all they're worth and tossing a few cents-per-album back at them while they're cleaning themselves up. You give money to Butch (or not) and you get a a zip file with twenty-three live tracks of goodness. This is just like Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails did last year. This is the beginning of the end for the Music Industry as we know it.

You should be happy about that. Unless you're a record label executive.

So, go to Butch's site. Do the things there to hear his music and stuff. Let me know what you think.

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